Rohit Sharma's latest Instagram post is all of India is "missing" during COVID-19 lockdown

Rohit recently shared his routine during lockdown.

Rohit Sharma is also at home with his family during the lockdown | AFP

To save lives, India extended the previous 21-day COVID-19 lockdown till the 3rd of May 2020, restricting all the citizens to home in order to contain the spread of the deadly virus and fight the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic in the country.

Ever since the outbreak of the deadly virus in India, people are confined to their homes and not allowed to step outside without any essential work – which made it really tough for the people to survive in many ways during the ongoing lockdown rising cases

The total number of Coronavirus positive cases presently stands at 21393 with 681 deaths in India so far.

Read Also: Rohit Sharma urges people to show support towards stray animals amid COVID-19 lockdown

Amidst the ongoing lockdown, all people have been indoors confined into their house and things have been no different with Indian batsman Rohit Sharma who has been missing being outdoors and the sunlight.

As India's COVID-19 lockdown completed a month on Thursday (April 23), India’s star opening batsman has shared a major throwback picture of himself on Instagram – which is definitely very relatable for all.

In the picture, the cricketer can be seen standing outdoors with the sun shining right behind him, and at the moment, that is something everyone is missing and of course, the hitman also.

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He captioned the post: “Oh outdoors and sunlight, I miss ya!”

Have a look here:


Oh outdoors and sunlight, I miss ya!

A post shared by Rohit Sharma (@rohitsharma45) on



By Rashmi Nanda - 23 Apr, 2020

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