BCCI should throw it into bin - Madan Lal backs Ravi Shastri's take on conflict of interest rule

Ravi Shastri termed the conflict of interest rule "absolutely nonsense."

BCCI should throw the conflict of interest in the dustbin | AFP

Former Indian cricketer and coach Madan Lal has supported Ravi Shastri’s statement over the rule of conflict of interest, saying it should be thrown in the bin to avoid bringing mediocracy to Indian cricket.

Shastri, a former India head coach, and captain, recently said that the conflict of interest rules are hindering the game’s progress in India and called it "absolute nonsense" while suggesting that the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) should "throw this conflict of interest clause in the dustbin".

Notably, according to the rule of conflict of interest, former players cannot perform different roles while doing one job in the administration. There are no such rules in other cricket boards.

Read Also: ‘Conflict of interest is nonsense, it should be thrown into the bin’, says Ravi Shastri

Madan Lal told ANI: “I totally support what Ravi Shastri has said. Two rules that were made by the Lodha Committee, one is the conflict of interest. It should be thrown in the bin. It will bring mediocracy in cricket and those people will be in office who can be easily approached. Former cricketers should be holding the position in the office, as they can maintain the dignity of the game and the board.”

He concluded, “Secondly, the age factor that was changed from 60 to 65, I would say that the age group should be more than 70. Cricketers are fit and can perform all the duties. We need good people for the board, who are not easily approachable. And our board always had good people, who not only performed well in the game but also made BCCI into a billion-dollar industry.”

(With ANI Inputs)


By Rashmi Nanda - 25 Dec, 2021

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