Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma, who is also the wife of Indian captain Virat Kohli has responded strongly in a statement on her social media accounts after former Indian wicket-keeper Farokh Engineer made a claim of having seen Indian national selectors serving her tea during the recent Cricket World Cup in England.
“I didn’t even know one of the selectors during the World Cup and I asked him ‘who the hell he was’, because he was wearing the India blazer and he said he was one of the selectors. All they were doing was getting Anushka Sharma cups of tea. I feel people with the stature of Dilip Vengsarkar should be in the selection committee.” said the 82-year-old in an interview with TOI.
READ ALSO: Saw Indian selectors getting cups of tea for Anushka Sharma: Farokh Engineer
Anushka Sharma, who has often been blamed by social media trolls to even sections of the media for things that she has no control over at all like Virat Kohli's on-field performances, has stayed away from responding to such criticism in the past.
But this time, she has broken her silence and issued a strong statement denying Engineer's claims. She also mentions few other instances where she was wrongly targetted.
Here is the complete statement posted by the actress on her Twitter account: