Indian Tennis player Sania Mirza has shared the first picture of her newborn baby 'Izhaan'. The couple Sania and Pakistan cricketer Shoaib Malik, became proud parents of a baby boy on Tuesday and the former Pakistan cricket captain had broken the news on his Twitter account.
This time Mirza came up with her first post after becoming a mother. In the picture, she can be seen watching Malik play for Pakistan in the second T20I against New Zealand on Friday. Izhaan was in her arms and the caption read, “So it’s been 5 days since we came into this world .. Me as a mother and my little Izhaan as my son. We’ve even watched Baba play some cricket together since we’ve arrived.
“It truly is the biggest match, tournament achievement I’ve ever won or had and there is no feeling or blessing that can be greater than this.. I finally have gotten sometime after this overwhelming feeling to get online and check the msgs and love we have received. Shoaib and I feel truly blessed and humbled with the wishes and love we have received. Thankyou to each one of u! We love you all right back!!! Love, Sania, Shoaib and Izhaan."
So it’s been 5 days since we came into this world .. Me as a mother and my little Izhaan as my son ❤️ we’ve even watched Baba play some cricket together since we’ve arrived ???? it truly is the biggest match ,tournament achievement I’ve ever won or had and there is no feeling or-
— Sania Mirza (@MirzaSania) November 3, 2018
blessing that can be greater than this.. I finally have gotten sometime after this overwhelming feeling to get online and check the msgs and love we have received.Shoaib and I feel truly blessed and humbled with the wishes and love we have received ❤️Thank you to each one of u!
— Sania Mirza (@MirzaSania) November 3, 2018
We love you all right back !!!❤️
— Sania Mirza (@MirzaSania) November 3, 2018
Love ,
Sania ,Shoaib and Izhaan ???? @realshoaibmalik #Allhamdulillah
Pakistan won the second T20I against Kiwis. The win in two consecutive games meant Pakistan sealed the series by 2-0. There is another game left but even a defeat in that match won't matter.