WATCH: England cricketer James Vince's house attacked by miscreants; shocking CCTV footage goes viral

James Vince has made a public appeal regarding persistent attacks on his property.

By Salman Anjum - 17 Jul, 2024

England cricketer James Vince has opened up about the persistent attacks on his property that resulted in his family being forced to leave his hometown in Southampton.

Vince and his family enjoyed the serenity of their home in a village east of Southampton for almost eight years. However, things changed upside down earlier this year when Vince's home and vehicles were targeted in two shocking attacks, forcing the family to flee and live in fear.

The first attack happened in the wee hours of April 15, and Vince recalled the traumatic experience while speaking to The Telegraph.

“My wife and I woke suddenly to a load of smashing and alarms going off. We had no idea what was going on and it was obviously very unnerving, so we rushed straight to get the kids to make sure they were safe. They were very shaken up," Vince said.

By the time the police arrived, the attackers had disappeared. The cars and home were so badly damaged that Vince’s family had to move out temporarily while repairs were made. Security cameras and alarms were installed, but the sense of safety had been dented forever.

Barely a week after returning home, Vince's worst fears came true when a second attack occured on May 1. “That meant I was able to get downstairs quite quickly and had more of a sense of what was going on. It wasn't such a surprise either, because it had happened before. I think they saw the activity in the house and left quickly,” he explained.

The attackers used bricks, smashing windows on both the cars and the house once again. Vince narrated how the family had just returned from a benefit dinner for his Hampshire teammate Chris Wood when the attack took place around midnight.

Despite extensive probes by the police, private security personnel, and intelligence firms, no clear motive has emerged. Vince believes the attacks are a case of mistaken identity.

“All the experts we've spoken to say it looks like a money issue, unpaid debts, or something,” Vince said. “We have nothing to hide and know we have never been involved in anything like this. We just desperately want this to stop.”

Incidentally, the attacks happened on days when Hampshire had home matches, adding another layer of mystery. While the security measures have been beefed up, the family remains on edge, fearing a third attack.

“We don't want to risk the same thing happening again. It's not fair for my wife or children to have to go through it again,” Vince said.

“Something like this is hugely disruptive in our lives, especially for our children, who have understandably been affected and unsettled by the situation. Having said that, I'm amazed and extremely proud of how they have dealt with it. We have received great support locally, and from within cricket,” he added.

James Vince's family has now turned to the public for help, hoping someone might recognise the attackers or have information that could solve the mystery.

“If anyone knows anything, or sees anything in the footage of the attack that could lead to anything, please contact us or Hampshire Police. It could be the final piece of information we need to find out what is going on and get our lives back to normal,” Vince urged.

Hampshire Police confirmed the incidents, stating: “Two incidents of criminal damage at an address during the early hours of April 15 and May 11. On both occasions, two cars were damaged, and the front room windows smashed.”

(With IANS Inputs)

By Salman Anjum - 17 Jul, 2024