Indian cricketers celebrate the International day of Yoga

21st June of every year is celebrated as International Yoga Day since 2015.

By Jatin Sharma - 21 Jun, 2020

Today, June 21, 2020, is the 6th International Yoga Day and is celebrated around the world enthusiastically.

21st June of every year is celebrated as International Yoga Day or International Day of Yoga worldwide since 2015. 21st June is the longest day in Northern Hemisphere and hence it was chosen on the insistence of Indian PM Narendra Modi.

Yoga is the ancient Indian practice of mental, physical, and spiritual calmness. Many celebrities have been sharing photos and videos of themselves doing Yoga on the International Day of Yoga.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi also addressed the nation on the occasion and said "International Day of Yoga gives a message of universal brotherhood. Yoga gives mental peace, helps in bringing positivity. Yoga enhances our quest for a healthier planet.”

"It has emerged as a force for unity and deepens the bonds of humanity. It does not discriminate, it goes beyond race, color, gender, faith, and descent. If we can fine-tune our chords of health and hope, the day is not far away when the world will witness the success of healthy and happy humanity. Yoga can definitely help us make this happen,” he concluded.

Indian cricketers are also avid Yoga practitioners and took to Twitter to share their support towards the ancient practice of Yoga and celebrate the International Yoga Day.

Here are some tweets:


By Jatin Sharma - 21 Jun, 2020