WATCH - Michael Vaughan and Michael Atherton in awe of 7-yr-old Indian girl's stroke play

A video of a classic young Indian batter is viral on social media.

By Sameer Deodhar - 22 Apr, 2020

Michael Vaughan and Michael Atherton are mighty impressed with the footwork and strokeplay of a 7-year-old Indian girl. Yes, you read that right!

A young girl by the name Pari Sharma has become famous on Twitter after her batting video went viral on social media.

In the video, the girl is seeing playing classic textbook shots that would shame a not-so-classic 20-year-old batsman and has earned awe and respect in the eyes of exceptional cricketers all around the world.

WATCH: Shai Hope becomes speechless after watching a 7-year-old girl's batting

Former England captain Michael Vaughan shared the video with the caption, “Have a look at this video .. Pari Sharma .. 7 yrs old .. Her movements are as good as it gets

Have a look at this video .. Pari Sharma .. 7 yrs old .. Her movements are as good as it gets ????????????????

— Michael Vaughan (@MichaelVaughan) April 22, 2020

His teammate and a great batsman, Michael Atherton, too shared the same video posted by ESPNCricInfo with the caption, “Exceptional


— Mike atherton (@Athersmike) April 22, 2020
By Sameer Deodhar - 22 Apr, 2020