Jofra Archer’s old tweets about oil prices go viral as USA reports negative pricing for the first time

Oil Prices in USA fell to dangerous levels; oil companies might go bankrupt as a result.

By Jatin Sharma - 21 Apr, 2020

Countries had to go into lockdown after the Coronavirus pandemic wreaked havoc all over the world since January this year. People have been confined inside their homes in the majority of cities in every country, bar a few, as governments try to find a way to keep the number of deceased to a minimum.

WATCH - Jofra Archer makes a funny video to advise people to stay indoors

These concentrated efforts have led to the demand for crude oil fall alarmingly low, so much so that the prices of the oil per barrel turned negative on Monday in the United States of America- something that has never happened since NYMEX oil futures began trading in 1983. This has led to fears of many USA oil companies going bankrupt as they would have to pay customers to take the oil.

The price of a barrel of West Texas Intermediate (WTI), fell as low as minus $37.63.

However, in these times, Twitter users managed to dig up old tweets of England’s Jofra Archer in which he talks about the importance of oil in the world and how it runs the economies all over the globe. In an old tweet, Jofra Archer knew about the importance of oil in the world and had previously tweeted, 

And then in another tweet made on March 8, 2013, Archer seems concerned with the oil and asks to take care of the oil. Sumbodi care bout oil” Archer’s tweet read.

The United States has been hit very hard by the Coronavirus, which originated from Wuhan Province in China. Nearly 8,00,000 cases have been reported from there with over 42,600 people losing their precious lives. Around 72,000 have recovered though. In the US, the city of New York has been the most affected with the death tolls nearing 14,000 and cases above 2,42,780.

By Jatin Sharma - 21 Apr, 2020