Rajasthan Royals show zero tolerance against racism; reports a Twitter user for racist tweet

Rajasthan Royals doesn't want cricket fans to engage in any racial abuse on social media.

By - 16 Jun, 2020

Indian Premier League (IPL) franchise Rajasthan Royals (RR) showed zero-tolerance against racism. They blocked a Twitter user and reported him for a racist tweet below their post. 

As per Rajasthan's tweet, it was a racist tweet against their player and they found it objectionable. 

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"We spotted a highly objectionable & disturbing tweet directing racist abuse towards our player in a reply to one of our tweets yesterday. We reported & blocked the individual immediately. Diversity is integral to Rajasthan Royals. Racism will NOT be tolerated," Rajasthan Royals tweeted.

Recently, ex-Sunrisers Hyderabad (SRH) player Daren Sammy had opened up about racial abuse. Sammy said when he played for the franchise his teammates, who were very close to him, used to call him 'K**U' and when he found out its meaning, it hurt him deeply.

Going by Sammy's recent tweets, he had a chat with his friends and everything is fine between them now. He did forgive him for the comment after assuring the word came from a place of love, but Sammy wants to make sure everyone gets educated on the matter.

By - 16 Jun, 2020